You can play FLOCK!… tomorrow!

Dec 04, 2008 // RobbyZ

Hi all!  As the Associate Producer on FLOCK!, I wanted to give everyone a heads up on tomorrow’s Qore demo of Flock!

As you may have read, the next episode of Qore launches tomorrow !  Even better, this episode will be available for free!  It includes a video covering FLOCK!, full of details on the game.  It’s a great introduction to what the game is all about, so please give it a watch!  🙂

Best of all, you’ll be able to check FLOCK! out for yourself firsthand if you’re a Qore Annual Subscriber!  The episode includes a special Qore Winter Demo, the first publicly playable version of the game available anywhere.  This demo includes six levels, letting you play three of the four animals in the full game – the Sheep, the Cow, and the Pig.  Also included are two of the seasons – Autumn and (of course) Winter.   I think you’ll find the six levels to be a great taste of the gameplay FLOCK! has to offer in its 50 single player levels (not including co-op levels!).

We’re also including the game’s map editor!  This is the same tool as we’re using to make levels for FLOCK!, so we’re looking forward to seeing how you use it.  As you progress through the demo, you’ll unlock new items to play with in the editor.  In the full game, you’ll even be able to save your levels and upload them to share with your friends.

Stay tuned to Capcom-Unity for more information on FLOCK! as we’ll be releasing more exciting news in the weeks to come!  Don’t forget to visit the FLOCK! website , and stop by our forums !