Mega Man 3DS cases, statues coming to SDCC, plus MM6 OST out now

Jun 20, 2013 // Minish Capcom

Hot on the heels of the new Monster Hunter cases comes this friendly reminder of the MM25 3DS cases, which will be available at San Diego Comic-Con and eventually the Capcom Store itself.

As with the MH cases, the MM25 armor comes in XL and regular sizes, and provides a lovely sheen to your Nintendo hardware. And with MM1~6, MH3U and a little game called Animal Crossing all on the same platform, you’re gonna want to keep it protected! 😛

They’ll join the Classic/X silver anniversary statue and the MM25 light-up statue, which already had a pre-order run for Capcom Unity a while back. No word on post-SDCC replenishment, but the demand has been high (obv) so as soon as there’s any update on that I’ll blast it out.

And then  today you can pick up the MM6 OST , which launched alongside the game on 3DS. That puts MM1~6 all on one platform, and then all six NES OSTs on the Capcom Store.

Hope to have additional news regarding classic MM games hitting the Virtual Console soon. We’re on a roll with the 3DS and Wii U lineup, and I have a feeling there’s more on the way…