Earth Day comment winners – sharin’ green Capcom memories

Apr 23, 2014 // Minish Capcom

Yesterday (aka Earth Day) I asked for some of your favorite / standout moments of Capcom and all things “green.” Coulda been a tree level, a personal anedcote that somehow tied games and reality together, whatever shares the spirit of earthiness.

The incentive for doing so (NOT THAT YOU SHOULD NEED ONE, saving the planet is srs bsns) was an Okami HD PSN code, which I’m about to award!

I don’t know if this counts as a green memory, but I will share just the same. It was late June 1993, and I was on my way to my first week long hiking trip with the local Boy Scout troop, they called it “Long Term.” We would be hiking through Yosemite on a trail called “The Silver Moccasin.” I didn’t so much mind leaving on this trip because I knew after the week was over I’d be coming home to my very own copy of SF2 Turbo for my SNES. Also this is a trail my older brother quit on, so it was important that I finish this trail, not just because he quit but I also wanted it to be among the list of my achievements before going for Eagle Scout (the highest rank). The trail was a hard walk and when we weren’t busy hiking or setting up our camp for the night, I daydreamed about playing Turbo. I think I can truly attribute my motivation to SF for finishing that trip, because when I got home my game was sitting on my bed. I had experienced and amazing trip with my dad, and accomplished something no one thought I would finish. Thanks Capcom for the motivation!
A genuine Boy Scout, aiming for the Eagle rank, daydreaming of SNES SFII Turbo as he takes in the majesty of Yosemite. Brings a tear to my eye!
Some other comments I yanked from the list, though p much all of them were great:


My Greenest CAPCOM Memory would have to be Blanka from Street Fighter II, because he generates his own electricity.



For me it would be Mega Man Zero 4’s ending. Zero saving Area Zero from getting destroyed by Ragnarok, and saving the land and people below.



The best Earth-friendly moment in Capcom games has to be in Okami when you restore Shinsuu Field. It’s really amazing as the flowers bloom and restore the land to its natural glory. Breathtakingly beautiful

An Earth-unfriendly moment, however, would have to be when you burn the trees in Slash Man’s stage in Mega Man 7. Why? Because Protoman told you to.



Onimusha series without a doubt had some of my favorite greenery in games.
I’ll let these screenshots do the talking…


I remember in Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue Version, the net Navi Plantman was making trees and vines grow all over a hospital and was basically making nature destroy you.  It was like the Happening or something.  I defeated him of course and got the plants under control again, but it goes to show you that you want to make sure that plants are not to be trifled with.

And on a side-note, even though it’s Nintendo published, Capcom developed The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, which had some of the most gorgeous sprite based plant life I’ve ever seen, especially when you shrank to the size of the minish and walked past giant mushrooms and grass blades.  To this day The Minish Cap remains my most beautiful GBA game of all time.



My “nature-y shoutout” is dedicated to the original Street Fighter 2, World Warriors. In Sagat’s stage there was a giant Palm tree in thee middle of the level but they chopped it down from later versions of the game. So yeah, this shoutout is to that tree! I’ve included some pics too. 🙂


Zenny Lee

My greenest Capcom memories are all related to the Megaman X series. It seemed to fall off later in the series but defeating a boss in Megaman X would change the weather in the following stages. For instance defeating Launch Octopus would flood out Sting Chameleon’s stage allowing you to get an underwater jump to achieve the heart piece. On that note I would also like to give a shoutout to the wire sponge stage in Megaman X2 for the weather changing crystal stations. Those were by far my favorite green moments in almost any game ever.

The Breath of Fire series had tons of wonderful greenery. BoF1 had a quest that involved Ryu, Nina & Bo restoring a decrepit, zombie town back into a pretty, lush & green village using enchanted jar of water (or as Ted Woolsey translated it, WtrJr).

BoF2 had a party member, Spar, who was actually from the genderless Grassmen clan, who could move through dense forests when in the front of the party. There’s a subplot in the game in which Spar is needed in order to communicate with the forests to figure out why the wildlife in Ryu’s hometown is dying. Spar also has this badass “Nature” ability in battle in which it can cause natural objects in a battle sequence like a tree or a cactus to aid in battle. For example, it can summon a tree to attack the enemy if the battle takes place in a forest, and using “Nature” when in the desert will cause cacti to explode, damaging enemies.

BoF3 also features a mutant plant character named Peco, who communicates with the world tree Yggdrasil and can end up being one of the biggest powerhouses in the game. He’s also ridiculously adorable.

BoF4 also has a ton of beautiful forested locales and grasslands. Perhaps some of the prettiest of the series!

BoF5 features some beautiful earthy elements, but those are hugely spoilerific 😛