Teaser pages, cover art for Mega Man 36

Apr 23, 2014 // Minish Capcom

Lots of activity with Archie’s comic this week! First, we have our (second annual?) fan art contest running , which is itself a leadup to the big ” Dawn of X ” crossover story, and today we have fresh shots of #36, out in stores on April 30.

Hmmmm that attorney looks awfully familiar… can’t wait to see how this turns out 😛

On the eve of the MEGA MAN/MEGA MAN X Crossover comes the TWISTED tale that could only be called “A Chance at Redemption”! Dr. Wily is a free man, cleared of wrongdoing, and it’s all thanks to–Mega Man?! Can even an evil villain like himself live with a lie of that magnitude? Can he enjoy a life of robotics research next to his “frenemy” Dr. Light?  Will the promise of power in Gamma be far too tempting? The answer to all your burning questions lie in this mega-fun issue, including cover art by Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante and a stunning “TRIAL OF DR. WILY” variant cover from rising MEGA-star Brent McCarthy!

Past arcs:

Let the Games Begin

Time Keeps Slipping

The Return of Dr Wily

Spiritus Ex Machina

Rock of Ages

Breaking Point