GameSpy service shutdown update

May 12, 2014 // Minish Capcom

As you may have heard, the GameSpy online service will shut down on May 31. This closure affects online functionality for several titles spanning the entire games industry, Capcom included. Today we have updates on our titles, so if you currently own any of the games listed below please take note.

Lost Planet 3 (PC/PS3): Migration to a new service has already begun, so we’re not anticipating any online downtime. However, due to switching servers the leaderboards and current play stats will be reset. We’ll have more information about the reset soon, so please check back. (Note the X360 version is unaffected.)

Age of Booty (All versions): Unfortunately there are no plans to update or migrate this title to a new service. It’s been a great ride (2008/09-2014) and we thank everyone who sailed these seas. You can of course still play the game’s single-player mode.

Flock! (All Versions): Same as Age of Booty; there are no plans to migrate this title. You can still download and play the game, but be aware online features – such as the level editor sharing function – will no longer be active.

Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition: Already migrated and there are no issues.

Marvel vs Capcom Origins: Already migrated and there are no issues.

We sincerely appreciate the dedication these games have seen over the years and hope you continue to enjoy them after the shutdown.