Answering the Call of Booty from Down Under

Sep 02, 2008 // D.A.R.Y.L.

Alright Mr. Mark G, so it took me a bit more than 10 minutes, but here’s that post I promised you.  (For everyone else, here’s more proof that if you make some Age of Booty news that hits Google, you’ll have a blog post of mine shortly afterward.)

So, Mark blogged an info update about Age of Booty over on Choicest Games .  There are a couple of points he made / questions he asked that I wanted to address.

You ask : How much?

I say : It’s $10.

But then you ask : How much on the PC?

And I say in my best parrot voice : It’s $10.

But, you must ask again because you love my parrot voice : How much will it be marked up for me?

And, again, but in a normal voice, since the parrot voice hurt even my ears, I say : It’ll be marked up $10, from $0, making it $10.

You : Really?

Me : Really.

You : That’s great news!  So, am I right in estimating November?

I smile and say : I expect to prove you wrong.  We’ve been testing this thing pretty extensively.  We want the Beta Test to be more about getting the word out on how great this game really is and less about bad, buggy experiences.

In awe, you have one last question : Where can I get it?

Me : Everywhere.  …okay, maybe not everywhere , but when it comes to digital distribution, there’ll be obvious Xbox Live Arcade and PLAYSTATION(R)Store versions, and just about as many places on the internet that allow you to buy and download a game.  Capcom’s good like that.

PS – In case you were wondering where I found my Aussie Pirate image .