PSA: Your NYC SF25 tournament registration is NOT cancelled

Aug 09, 2012 // Yuri Araujo

Hello Unity,

If you’ve registered for the Street Fighter 25th anniversary tournament in New York, you should have received an email from us. Don’t be alarmed; your registration is still valid. All we wanted to do was give your money back… but that resulted in the default cancelling message being sent out.

So to be clear:

– You are still registered for the NYC SF25 tournament;

– You get your money back;

– You still need to bring your confirmation receipt in order to participate;

All in all, we apologize for any confusion. Please see below what the email should look like:

“Dear Capcom Fan,

Regarding the cancelation of your SF25 NYC registration, we have decided to refund all registration fees. You are still registered for the tournament.

Our goal for this tournament is not financial but to gather the best players to participate in celebration of Street Fighter’s 25 th anniversary.

Please show up early and check in for the event and most of all, have a great time!

See You All there.
