Monster Hunter Mondays: Tuesday Edition – MHFU live multiplayer stream at 4pm PT

Apr 15, 2014 // Yuri Araujo

Hey hunters! We’ve got everything straightened out for a Monster Hunter Freedom Unite MULTIPLAYER live stream, and you should join us! Here’s how:

If you just want to watch us hunt and chat with us, tune in to  twitch.tv/capcomunity   starting at  4pm PT . But if you want to partake in the hunt…

First of all, get your delightful copy of MHFU on your PSP or PSVita (did you get it while it was FREE for PS+ members?) AND the  Adhoc Party app on your PS3. Then look for us at  World A Lobby 01 . We’ll set up a room called MHMondays , as we usually do on Mondays… and the occasional Tuesday Edition, lol.

Attention: if you don’t already have  Adhoc Party on your PS3, you can only claim it via this link and later download it on you PS3. I know it’s weird, but such is life.

Anyways, see you online soooon!