Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Free DLC line-up for August

Aug 07, 2015 // Yuri Araujo

The August pack of Free DLC for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is here, so get ready for some funky challenges and the last entry in our selection of Episodic Quests!

Here’s a quick breakdown of the August content line-up:

10 New quests;
4 New Challenge Quests;
1 Bonus Palico: Purple Pal ;
1 Guild Card background;
7 Guild Card titles;

Pro-tip: I wouldn’t worry too much about the numbers above considering you’ll find more than enough to keep you busy with that final quest from Episode 6! 😉

To get this content, all you need to do is  1)  connect your Nintendo 3DS to the Internet,  2)  load your copy of  Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate 3)  go to the “DLC” menu and  4)  download all the things!

Quests will be saved under “Event Quests” (with the Questatrix) and “Challenge Quests” (with the Arena Bambina) in the Gathering Hall. G-Rank quests and G-Rank Challenge Quests can be found in the Elder Hall and Assembly, respectively.

For the Episode Quests make sure to talk to your Housekeeper and read their directions; some quests will show up at the Gathering Hall while other will come up at the Elder Hall.

If you’re a  new  hunter, make sure you get all the DLC from previous months; you can see their full list of contents right here:  March April May June July .

And if you want a little hint for next month, I’ll leave you with the very ambiguous letters ” GX “.

Happy Hunting!