Look up! We have a new version of the Capcom Bar

May 16, 2016 // Yuri Araujo

There’s a new Capcom Bar in town!

Okay, poor choice of words on my part; it’s not a bar where you get Capcom drinks–although one like that exists in Japan –but one that grants you easy access to information and navigation around the majority of Capcom websites.

Anyways, let’s take a little tour, shall we?

– CAPCOM logo
This is easy; just like the previous iteration of the Capcom Bar, it will get you to the root of whatever page you are currently browsing.

– Capcom Global
Your quick drop-down menu of all the global Capcom branches.

– Search Box
Now built in to the Capcom Bar itself, the search box shows relevant results, such as websites and latest official stories, as you type, so you can always find what you need no matter what page you are on.

– Profile Icon
Your face, or whatever you choose to represent yourself online. Click it for a quick preview of useful functions, such as checking your Inbox of Private Messages, accessing your Dashboard, viewing your Profile, or Logging Out (come back soon though!)

If you’re not logged on, you’ll see the words “Sign In” instead. Yeah, click that.

– Gear Icon
Quick access to two important website settings: Language and Cookies.

Now on to the second row of buttons and features:

– Community
Hey, that’s where you are right now! 🙂
Anyways, this opens up a drop-down menu where you can select News (read: Official Capcom Blog) or Forums

– Store
A place where you can buy Capcom stuff. No, still not themed drinks… but let’s talk about this Protoman helmet .

– Games
The fastest way to Capcom games’ official websites.

– Careers
We’re often looking to expand our crew, be it here at Capcom U.S.A., Beeline Interactive or Capcom Vancouver . Use this drop-down menu to find more about open positions at each of these branches. 

– Company
Here’s where you’ll find out more about Capcom as a company, access our Press Center or Investor Relations page.

– Support
Need help? Start here: our support database for Capcom games.

– Social Icons
We’re on the Internet! These little icons will take you to our official Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Twitch channels.

And that about covers it. This new and improved Capcom Bar is now live on Capcom-Unity.com but you’ll start seeing it on other Capcom websites in no time.

In the meantime, I encourage you to try it out and let us know what you think. =)

IMPORTANT : if you run into any problems loading the Capcom Bar or the webpage itself, try clearing your browser’s cache and reload the page. If the problem persists, please contact Capcom Admin with a description of the issue along with your OS and browser versions.

Happy browsing!