Final Fight: Double Impact Press Kits Unleashed Into The Wild!

Apr 08, 2010 // jgonzo

We sent out some pretty nifty press kits out to journalists for Final Fight: Double Impact and well…we’ll let them tell you what they thing:

In terms of complexity and dedication to a theme, this is one of the best press kits we’ve seen. – Ars Technica

Capcom rocks it again with some sweet marketing goodies.Destructoid

Sure, Capcom knows how to make a good game, but they excel at building buzz for those titles…So I shouldn’t have been surprised when this barrel showed up on my doorstep. Kotaku

The incredibly awesome kit comes with (taken directly from the included press kit letter):

+ A “special” can of “It’s a Trap!” Brand temporary color hair spray, celebrating infamous Final Fight character Poison! (“For Men, Women, and Everything in Between”)

+ Classic Arcade Token. Two games, Two sides of One Coin. (Warning: insert into your machine will not give additional continues, it may or may not fix RROD).

+ A Fully Mastered Cassette Tape featuring Double Impact’s brand new Remixed Soundtrack (Cassettes are the new Vinyl).

+ Haggar for Mayor Campaign badge pin (Vote early, vote often?)

+ Ninja vs. Bear badge pin (WTFBBQ?)

+ One Tshirt, Two amazing games, Front side Final Fight, Reversible to show Magic Sword (Is it inside-out or outside-in?)

+ Chicken (May or may not be included in all kits)

The best part of all this? Capcom Unity members will be the FIRST people to get to buy the press kit from our Capcom store soon!