All Hunters’ Eve Capcom costume compilation

Oct 31, 2013 // Yuri Araujo

Halloween: monsters, hunters, bumble  pumpkins , and awesome costumes! Here are pics of the cosplayers that attended our  All Hunters’ Eve gathering:

Arzuros armor

Kirin armor and “Kirin Bolt”

Kirin armor and Long Sword

Guile from the Street Fighter movie

M. Bison (Dictator)

Joe before he was Viewtiful or before Henshin (a-go-go baby)!

Guy. Not “some guy”… just GUY!


Phoenix Wright and his Objection! sign


Breakdancing Spider-Man!

And finally, let’s close with another look at the  Monster Hunter cosplayers from the event. Great stuff guys! Thanks for bringing more awesomeness to this event!