Let’s Get Into It

Mar 11, 2011 // Kinako

Hello, there! Web Planner Kinako Ikawa here. I’d like to take a moment to give my sincere thanks for the many strong reactions we got from our Devroomers regarding the release of game screenshots and our upcoming hands-on event. Thanks, guys!

Today, the web planners are hard at work renewing the Japanese Devroom. We hope that our changes will help not only attract new users, but new fans of the Legends series. We also want to encourage you current users to participate as much as possible! Please don’t feel like it’s not worth voicing your opinion because somebody’s already brought it up. If you see someone who shares your ideas, chime in! “I think so tooooo!”

Perhaps on a related note, have you seen our new event? This time it’s related to promotions, so it’s a little bit different than any of the other events we’ve done so far. What do you think? I feel this might be a hard one for some of you, and I’ve seen some comments expressing as much.

That’s why I’ve gone and asked our PR lady, Ishikawa-san, for some tips on what to keep in mind when coming up with promotional ideas.

“Good question. Well, first of all, you should always be conscious of your ‘purpose’ and your ‘target audience’ when you’re developing a promotional strategy. Then you’ve got to consider your budget, your deadlines, and whatever other restrictions might exist. Overcoming those obstacles with good ideas is what being a skilled Promoter is all about! I hope all you Devroomers give it a shot!” -Ishikawa

I see! Indeed, when we pick our event winner, a clear sense of the target audience and objective will certainly be important criteria in making our selection.

We’ve also got a little tip from some Capcom planners. Have a look at the following two examples.

A: “I don’t really know if this is a good idea, but I thought maybe ______ would be sort of interesting to try.”

B: “Now is the perfect timing to try out ______, and I’m sure  it’d turn a lot of heads!”

When you’re presenting an idea, you need a lot of courage. Many of us tend to be a little reserved about it and come off sounding like Example A. But if you sell the same idea in the style of Example B, you have a much better chance of catching people’s eyes and leaving a positive impression! It’s almost like magic!

It may sound daunting, but the truth is, no matter how good your idea may be, if you deliver it poorly, it may never see the light of day. A nice idea should have a nice proposal. Therein lies the key!

We game planners have to propose hundreds, even thousands of ideas, and it’s a bitter struggle (if not also lots of fun). And we use this little tip all the time. My superior, Ozaki-san might hunt me down for publicizing it, though. . . . Eep. But I regret nothing! Use this tip to your heart’s delight! 

Anyway, as long as we’re taking part in this splendid Devroom of ours, let’s really get into it!!^^