Monster Hunter Mondays 1/27 live at 3pm PT

Jan 27, 2014 // Yuri Araujo

Today is probably the best Monday in a long time for MH fans out there, wouldn’t you say?

The  MH4U   reveal was quite intense, literally – I was sweating a bit as I uploaded the first image yesterday – and now we can all rest assured that there’s a fantastic Monster Hunter game coming our way in early 2015. =)

So who wants to hop on a live stream of  Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate  (which is currently 50% off on the eShop! ) and hunt some monsters to celebrate? We’ll be online at  3PM PST twitch.tv/capcomunity and  Help D Lobby 10 . See you there!

And how about that amazing fan art above, a crossover between  Stygian Zinogre and Amaterasu from Okami ? Please go thank InferorumCanis for such a brilliant idea and execution.

For those that haven’t seen it yet:

PS: the fan art is a hint of what I would suggest we hunt – that “divine” Event S.Zin…