Monster Hunter Origami – Brachydios and Barroth

Feb 07, 2014 // Yuri Araujo

FINALLY!!! *ahem* I mean, it’s been a really long time since I’ve seen any  Monster Hunter  Origami/Papercraft, so I was exceptionally ecstatic when I saw these:

Man, what a fantastic job Paperfolder Cahoonas did! And the folding pattern ( provided here ) seems to be rather simplistic, even though the final results are actually quite detailed.

Anyways, there’s the  Brachydios above but here’s a Barroth   as well, and even an indistinct  Fire Wyvern , which was also inspired by  Monster Hunter (read the Deviantart desctiption).

Please go to Cahoonas’  Deviantart and/or Tumblr to leave a comment, a “like”, or whatever way those systems allow you to show your appreciation for their work.