Zangief Chronicles

Jan 07, 2009 // Snow

We got an interesting set of letters in the mail recently with a note scribbled in a child like hand writing, packaged with a DVD… As you can imagine, we didn’t know if we should pop the DVD in or pass it off as one of those creepy letters we don’t talk about. Good thing our curiosity won out, and we put the DVD in. We were delighted to see an entertaining and very high quality project that Periscope put together for us as a “Happy New Year!”

I can’t just let this sit here at Capcom, it’s just too awesome for you guys not to watch! You’ll get a kick out of these videos whether you’re a Street Fighter fan or not. It follows Zangief in a few challenges of everyday life, with a bit different flavor than The Later Years. Check it out here, The Zangief Chronicles .

I just love the extra sound effects when he moves his hands! lulz Seriously, stop reading this and go watch ’em. It’s worth every second.